Can we write everything we hear down on a piece of paper? Or can we hear anything that is described in writing? A telephone answering machine is activated and all the messages it contains are played. But we do not hear family members talking about the Sunday dinner or an agitated neighbour complaining - instead we hear the sounds of twelve different birds and see a hand trying to find signs, symbols, letters to contain what has been uttered. As we move along, the symbols start do dance and start living a life of their own, dancing across the screen and becoming the language of far more than just the sounds of birds.
Director: Malcolm Sutherland
Country: Canada
Year: 2006
Production: Malcolm Sutherland
Length: 5 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Music: Malcolm Sutherland
Projection format: Digital file, 1,78:1
Film and education materials
Download education materials
- Hand out for pedagoges (EN, GE, SI, EST, NL)
- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, SI, UKR, RUS, PT, EST, FR)
Some more languages might be available in the future. We also provide an open design file for the activity cards to make your own translations.
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