Les six soeurs Dainef
The six sisters Dainef
Six sisters perform a number of breathtaking acrobatic tricks on a stage that resembles the chamber of a palace with a garden in the background. The film was originally shot in black and white but was hand coloured afterwards. This is why we see the six sisters wearing yellow, green and pink outfits and it is also the reason why the outfit of one performer can change colours from one second to the next. The film is a typical example of early cinema's interest for performances originally designed for the stage as they involve a lot of movement and are often exciting to watch.
Director: unknown
Country: France
Year: 1902
Production: Pathé Frères
Length: 3 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/silent
Music: none
Projection format: 35mm, 1,33:1
Film and education materials
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- Hand out for pedagoges (EN, GE, SI, PT, EST,NL)
- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, SI, UKR, RUS, PT, EST, FR, ITA)
Some more languages might be available in the future. We also provide an open design file for the activity cards to make your own translations.
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