My Happy End


What if a dog's tail was more than just a part of his body that it can wag? What if its tail became his best friend, someone it could share the bone it chews with, someone to play table tennis, someone to spend the whole day and whole night with? That could really, finally be a happy end and animation makes it possible. But every happy end has its dark spots and if your tail becomes a self-reliant character there is a chance that he also wants his own cat to chase!


Director: Milen Vitanov
Country: Germany
Year: 2008
Production: HFF Potsdam-Babelsberg
Length: 5 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Music: Stefan Maria Schneider
Projection format: 35mm, 1,78:1

Film and education materials


Download education materials

- Hand out for pedagoges (EN, GE, SI, PT, EST, NL)
- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, SI, UKR, RUS, PT, EST, FR, ITA)

Some more languages might be available in the future. We also provide an open design file for the activity cards to make your own translations.

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