One big and about three dozen small marbles in a white, brightly lit room with a tile structure. They move from left to right, from front to back and suddenly begin to jump, to the wall on the right, to the ceiling and back down again. Are these marbles really just objects or eyes that can move beyond the rules of gravity? Are we looking up, or down, is this really a room at all and if so, where is it? (The film was part of the Grote Kunst voor Kleine Mensen project)
Director: Luna Maurer, Roel Wouters
Country: Netherlands
Year: 2005
Production: 60 Layers of Cake Foundation
Length: 2 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Music: none
Projection format: Digital file, 1,37:1
Film and education materials
Download education materials
- Hand out for pedagoges (EN, GE, SI, PT, EST, NL)
- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, SI, UKR, RUS, PT, EST, FR, ITA)
Some more languages might be available in the future. We also provide an open design file for the activity cards to make your own translations.
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