Fadenspiele 2
Toying with Strings 2
Director: Ute Aurand, Detel Aurand
Country: Germany
Year: 2003
Production: Ute Aurand, Detel Aurand
Length: 8 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Music: none
Projection format: 16mm, 1,37:1
An animation film made by the filmmaker Ute Aurand in collaboration with her sister, the painter Detel Aurand. Filmed inside the studio and outside - in the forest and fields - various elements were arranged and moved while recording the process frame by frame with a 16mm camera. Thus, the paper, the wood, the plastic, the fabric become endlessly moving and shapeshifting things which are transformed while at the same time transforming the world around them.
Film and education materials
Download education materials
- Hand out for pedagoges (EN, GE, SI, PT, EST, NL)
- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, SI, UKR, RUS, PT, EST FR, ITA)
Some more languages might be available in the future. We also provide an open design file for the activity cards to make your own translations.
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