Trammivasikas (catalogue 2022)
The world we inhabit is governed by rules. As soon as one person or object does not follow them, things get out of hand causing both great excitement and – sometimes – the danger of accidents. When one day the old tram which has been going around the city for many years day in and day out decides to jump of its tracks and chase a dog who is chasing a cat chaos reigns: Traffic lights are ignored, people cannot catch the train to keep their appointments, cars nearly crash and finally the police has to interfere to reestablish an order where everyone and everything is in its place.
Director: Kaarel Kurismaa
Country: Estonia
Year: 1983
Produced by: Tallinnfilm
Length: 10 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Film and education materials
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- Hand out for pedagoges (EN)
- Activity card for children (EN 1, EN 2, EN 3)
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