Un giorno in Barbagia
A Day in Barbagia
A day in the life of a village in Barbagia, in Sardignia: While the men are either out taking care of the sheep or hanging around in the streets, the women stay in the village and go about their daily routines: Taking care of the children is really only one of them, being performed almost in passing, while they trim trees, do the washing, prepare dough, make bread and - at the end of the day - serve supper to their returning men. Vittorio de Seta looks at the way these people go about their lives without feeling the need to introduce any drama. Everything goes its way, day after day, one task leads to the next and the camera is curious yet careful in trying to give us a glimpse of this life.
Director: Vittorio de Seta
Country: Italy
Year: 1958
Production: Le Pleiadi
Length: 10 minutes
Image/ Sound: colour/sound
Music: none
Projection format: 35mm, 1,37:1
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- Activity card for children (EN, NL, GE, UKR, RUS, PT, EST, FR, ITA)
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